Past Conferences

Conference Schedule 2024

The UK Proteostasis Community was brought together at the kick-off meeting at Babraham Institute in May 2024.

If you want to see how the meeting unfolded, please visit here.


Wednesday 8th May


8:30 onwards           Registration and refreshments

9:30 - 9:40              Welcome from the Proteostasis UK Conference Organisers: Della David, Ritwick Sawarkar, Oliver Florey, Laura Itzhaki


Chair: Ritwick Sawakar

9:40 - 10:20             Keynote Address: 

The Proteostasis Network as a Biological Clock for Health, Aging and Disease

Professor Rick Morimoto; Director of the Rice Institute for Biomedical Research at Northwestern University and Royal        Society Wolfson Visiting Fellow at the University of Cambridge

10:20 - 11:00          Flash Talks Session 1 | Chair: Oliver Florey

Daniel Maddison              University of Cambridge, Dementia Research Institute
Karolina Brzezinska         University of Edinburgh
George Tofaris                 University of Oxford
Annmary Paul Erinjeri      University College London
Laura Itzhaki                    University of Cambridge
Ana Tufegdzic Vidakovic  MRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology
Andy Wilson                     University of Birmingham
Teresa Rayon                   Babraham Institute
Zihao Wang                      University of Oxford
Anne Schreiber                 The Francis Crick Institute

11:00 - 11:35               Refreshments


Chair: Beatriz Orosa

11:30 - 11:50             Quality control of membrane proteins

Professor Pedro Carvalho, Sir William Dunn School of Pathology, University of Oxford

11:50 - 12:10              The challenges of predicting amyloidogenicity

                                    Professor Sheena Radford, Faculty of Biological Sciences, University of Leeds

12:10 - 12:30               Induced control of protein degradation

Dr Benedict Cross, Chief Technology Officer, PhoreMost

12:30 - 13:05           Flash Talks Session 2 | Chair: Oliver Florey

Jasmeen Oberoi                 University of Sussex
Alex van Vliet                      MRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology
Carla Bento                         Astex Pharmaceuticals
Maria Abad                          Altos Labs
Rivka Isaacson                    Kings College London
Della David                          Babraham Institute
Mateo Hoare                       University of Cambridge
Bushra Saeed                     University of Edinburgh
Joseph Chambers               University of Cambridge - CIMR
Nicholas Ktistakis                Babraham Institute

13:05 - 14:45               Lunch and Poster session


Chair: Simon Cook

14:45 - 15:05          NXP800: a clinical stage GCN2/ISR activator that inhibits HSF1 – mediated transcription for the treatment of ARID1A mutant ovarian                                         cancer

                                   Professor Paul Workman, Signal Transduction & Molecular Pharmacology team, Institute of Cancer Research, London

15:05 - 15:25              Diverse ubiquitin chain topologies orchestrate plant immune signalling 

                                   Professor Steven Spoel, Institute of Molecular Plant Sciences, University of Edinburgh  â€¯ 

15:25 - 16:10              Flash Talks Session 3 | Chair: Della David

Martin Denzel                                     Altos Labs
Roberta Cacioppo                              MRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology
Babis Rallis                                        Queen Mary University of London
Beatriz Orosa                                     University of Edinburgh
Paul Chapple                                     Queen Mary University of London
Oli Florey                                            Babraham Institute
Monica Rodrigo                                  AstraZeneca
Liam Aubrey                                       University of Leeds
Maruf Ali                                             Imperial College London
Gabriele Kaminski Schierle                University of Cambridge
David Balchin                                     The Frances Crick Institute
David Vaux                                         University of Oxford
Samuel Lord                                       University of Birmingham

16:10 - 16:50              Refreshments


16:50 - 17:40             Flash Talks Session 4 | Chair: Della David

Rachel Curnock                 University of Bristol
Simon Cook                       Babraham Institute
Yoon Hee Choi                   Babraham Institute
Ritwick Sawarkar                University of Cambridge
Colin Hammond                 University of Liverpool
Boguslawa Korona             University of Cambridge
John Christodoulou            University College London
Girish Ram Mali                  University of Oxford
Simon Wilkinson                 University of Edinburgh
Frederica Theodoulou        Rothamsted Research
Janin Lautenschlager         Cambridge Institute for Medical Research (CIMR)
Adrien Rousseau                University of Dundee

17:40 - 18:30            Conference Brainstorming: The Future of the Network

18:30 - 21.30           Drinks reception and Conference Dinner at the Babraham Institute


Thursday 9th May


8:30 - 9.15                   Refreshments

9.15 - 9.20                   Welcome back to Day Two


Chair: Laura Itzhaki

9:20 - 9:40               Deconvoluting cellular proteostasis strategies across proliferative states

Dr Rahul Samant, Group Leader, Babraham Institute 

9:40 - 10:00                 Exploring lysosomal dysfunction in cellular senescence

Dr Bernadette M Carroll, Senior Research Fellow, University of Bristol

10:00 - 10:20               Dysregulated proteostasis as a virulence mechanism of pathogenic bacteria, the case of the Mycobacterium ulcerans exotoxin                                                  mycolactone

                                    Professor Rachel Simmonds, Head of the Department of Microbial Sciences and Professor of Immunopathogenesis,

                                    University of Surrey

10:20 - 10:40               Increased fidelity of protein synthesis extends lifespan

                                     Dr Ivana Bjedov, Principal Research Fellow, Molecular Biology of Cancer Research Group, UCL Cancer Institute

10:40 - 11:10            Refreshments


Chair: Viktor Korolchuk

11:10 - 11:30            Protein phase transitions

Professor Tuomas Knowles, Department of Chemistry, University of Cambridge

11:30 - 11:50               How neuronal signalling connects perception with proteostasis and ageing

Dr Rebecca Taylor, School of Biological Sciences, University of East Anglia


11:50 - 12:50               Panel Discussion: How can our knowledge of proteostasis be translated into therapeutic benefit?

Chair: Kathryn Chapman, Director, Science & Entrepreneurship at Babraham Research Campus


  • Paul Thompson, Chief Scientific Officer, Mission Therapeutics 
  • Fiona Menzies, Associate Vice President, Eli Lilly and Company 
  • James Hunt, R&D Biologics Engineering, AstraZeneca
  • Wei-Li (William) Kuan, Head of Biology of the Alborada Drug Discovery Institute, University of Cambridge
  • Ralph Minter, Senior Vice President Research, Alchemab Therapeutics

12:50 - 13:10            Conference Brainstorming: Future of the Network Part 2 and Closing Address  

13:10 - 14:30               Lunch     


Conference End

Conference sponsors

The organisers gratefully acknowledge sponsorship support for the event from:

Altos Labs logo
Babraham Institute logo
Babraham Research Campus logo